Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Power of Commitment

I was talking to a friend of mine today who is a mortgage broker. We talked about all the changes that are happening in the market, how they are affecting the "average Joe" home buyer, and also how they are affecting the real estate professionals. Business is way down, things aren't selling, the zero-down mortgages have gone bye-bye. It's definitely a tough time to keep your head above water if you are in the mortgage business.

I asked my friend how he is faring, how is he getting through this very tough time. He said, very simply, "I made a commitment". I asked him to say more. He said that when he started his company, he made a commitment to his clients, his wife and, especially, to himself to create a business with integrity that serves others. And, he plans on following through. Good times or bad. He continued to say that he feels strongly that, when one makes that kind of commitment and makes every attempt to come through, only good can come out of it. I could see that he wasn't looking at his commitment as a heavy weight he had to carry but rather as a freedom, something that kept him light and focused.

What a wonderful way to look at life. And I know this man. He has the highest integrity and is dedicated to serving his clients. Despite the sorry state the market is in right now, he trusts that his life mission......."to serve others with integrity".............will pull him through to the other side. How lovely to have that kind of faith. I have no doubt he will succeed!

I've thought about my friend's strength of character all day. I started to think about areas where my commitments have been lagging. It has certainly encouraged me to regroup my priorities.

How about you? Where are you with your commitments? Can you step into the place of feeling commited yet unencumbered? Tough, isn't it? But maybe worth giving it a try!!