Monday, October 1, 2007

Extraordinary Self-Care

Extraordinary Self-Care. At first glance, it might seem kind of selfish. But the truth is that, unless you love and care for yourself, you can't really love and care for others. Think about it. If your reserves are depleted then you have little to offer to those you love. But, more importantly, you miss out on the truly fulfilling life you are meant to have.

While living a life of Extraordinary Self-Care might mean different things to different people, it is actually a philosophy to live by in order to bring your best Self to the world. It means caring for your emotional, physical and spiritual health. It means feeding yourself nourishing food, placing yourself in mutually supportive relationships that encourage your growth, finding quiet time to refresh your Spirit, moving your body to promote good health and following your own authentic path where you are able to live out your life's purpose. In essence, Extraordinary Self-Care is about honoring your soul and it can take your already good life to a great one!

Think of it this way. You see a man drowning. You jump in to save him but you can't swim (no reserves, poor self-care) and you both end up going under. Now, again, you see a man drowning. You jump in to save him. You are a strong swimmer (good reserves, good self-care) and you both live and rejoice. Which scenario is preferable? A no-brainer, right?

However, I think the choice to live a life of Extraordinary Self-Care is not an easy one. It takes great patience and much practice. But, if you accept the challenge and begin to care deeply for yourself, then you will naturally care deeply for your friends, families, the environment and everything else that has been placed under your stewardship. Your deeply cared-for Self will reap rewards you can't even imagine.

Remember, a great life for you means a great life for us all!

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