Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Weighting for Success Program


Are you one of the thousands of bright, accomplished women who feel you can’t be all you want to be until you’ve lost those 10, 20 or 30 pounds? Is your weight and body image standing between you and your happiness? I have absolutely been one of those women and what I can tell you, for sure, is that the misery bound up in those few extra pounds is staggering!

The solution should be easy, right? Lose some weight and you’ll feel better, prettier, smarter, more confident. After all, you know what to do. Eat less and move more. So, what’s in the way? Why can’t you get there?

The Weighting for Success Program is predicated on one very important question:

“What will happen if I succeed?”

Your first response might be, “Why, I’d take that job, go on that date, wear a bathing suit in public, accept that invitation, start my own business, take up public speaking.”

But I’d like you to take some serious time and reflect on the question. See it in your mind’s eye. Feel it in your body. What comes up for you? Where are your challenges? Your fears?

The Weighting for Success Program is geared towards addressing your unique challenges and turning them into your inspired solutions. It is an invitation to:

* address your negative and completely false beliefs about yourself
* acknowledge and embrace your fears
* discover what you really want instead of what you should want
* look at where you need to implement extreme self-care
* learn to feel your feelings instead of eating them
* allow yourself to be happy
* take risks in all areas of your life
* dream big
* get the results you never thought you had in you

Weighting for Success is an 8-week commitment of weekly individual coaching sessions. Your investment is $795. For more information, contact Nancy Nye at:


"To change one's life:

* Start immediately

* Do it flamboyantly

* NO exceptions"

--William James

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.” --author unknown

“Never, never, never quit.” --Winston Churchill

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thought for the day....................

Tom Landry said it well: "A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Holidays: From Survivng to Thriving!

New Telegroup starting November 7, 2007

It's hard to believe that the Holidays are already upon us. It's not even Halloween, but many stores are already decorating for Christmas!!

The Holidays are meant to be joyful but, for many, the Holidays are the most dreaded time of year. It is a time that is often fraught with stress, sadness, family dysfunction, financial worries and pressure to make people happy. Instead of "Ho, Ho, Ho" we hear ourselves thinking "Oh, No, No"! What makes it even worse is that we feel guilty about not feeling happy! So, we end up doing everything we can to just get through the Holidays.

What if this year could be different for you? What if you found a way to make this Season more than just bearable? Perhaps even somewhat pleasant? Are you willing to discover AND follow-through on what will make you happy?

Then join me for this 6-week telegroup to create a plan of action. I can't think of a better Christmas present you could give yourself!

When: Wednesdays, 5-6:15pm PST, November 7-December 19 (no group on 11/21)
Cost: $225

For more information, please email me at or call me at 623-594-0676.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thought for the day.........

"If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that."
-Johann Goethe

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What Are You Weight-ing For?

Navigating the Maze of Weight, Body-Image and Success

Are you a woman who thinks you need to lose 10, 20, 30 pounds before you can have what you want? Have those extra pounds become a safe place to hide so that you don't have to be who you are? Do you have the willingness and courage to be all you were made to be? Then this group may be for you!

Join me for a 6-week group teleclass where we will explore the issues around your self-image and how you use it to stop yourself from being genuinely happy and truly successful. So many women have either lost a lot of weight and then regained it; or lost most of their excess weight but couldn't quite get the last 10 pounds off; or have spent years and years losing and gaining the same 10 or twenty pounds. But the bottom line is that, in some way, those extra pounds serve you. Or, better yet, they protect you from discovering that you have a purpose to live out on this planet. Are you ready to see just what that is??

The group will be held on Thursday evenings from 5:00pm-6:15pm PST from October 18-November 29 (there will be no group on November 22). The cost of the group is $275 and includes a 30 minute pre-group interview in order to clarify your goals so that you can make the most out of each session. Each week you will call a designated "bridge line" that will connect all participants. There will also be homework each week that will be specific to your individual challenges.

If you are interested and want more information, please call me at 623-594-0676, 1-800-242-3795 or email me at Space is limited.

I look forward to hearing from you!!

Warm regards, Nancy

Monday, October 1, 2007

Extraordinary Self-Care

Extraordinary Self-Care. At first glance, it might seem kind of selfish. But the truth is that, unless you love and care for yourself, you can't really love and care for others. Think about it. If your reserves are depleted then you have little to offer to those you love. But, more importantly, you miss out on the truly fulfilling life you are meant to have.

While living a life of Extraordinary Self-Care might mean different things to different people, it is actually a philosophy to live by in order to bring your best Self to the world. It means caring for your emotional, physical and spiritual health. It means feeding yourself nourishing food, placing yourself in mutually supportive relationships that encourage your growth, finding quiet time to refresh your Spirit, moving your body to promote good health and following your own authentic path where you are able to live out your life's purpose. In essence, Extraordinary Self-Care is about honoring your soul and it can take your already good life to a great one!

Think of it this way. You see a man drowning. You jump in to save him but you can't swim (no reserves, poor self-care) and you both end up going under. Now, again, you see a man drowning. You jump in to save him. You are a strong swimmer (good reserves, good self-care) and you both live and rejoice. Which scenario is preferable? A no-brainer, right?

However, I think the choice to live a life of Extraordinary Self-Care is not an easy one. It takes great patience and much practice. But, if you accept the challenge and begin to care deeply for yourself, then you will naturally care deeply for your friends, families, the environment and everything else that has been placed under your stewardship. Your deeply cared-for Self will reap rewards you can't even imagine.

Remember, a great life for you means a great life for us all!